A guy named Miles Lennon has done the science (not really) on the typical life cycle of the blog in “Why are 95% of blogs abandoned?” For me, maintaining a vigorous blog is impossible because of a dozen things every day that make my life thrive better than blogging. What many of the blog-inclined learn […]
About MMKeeper
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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud MMKeeper contributed a whooping 94 entries.
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Writing 5am to 7am is not my habit but the former habit of Brit Raymond Tallis and he’s produced a new book about one of the subjects I love to follow in a pop-culture manner: neuroscience. He has a dim view of how publishing and pop culture demands have bent research to what he […]
A bit of a neuroscience debate regarding where evil resides in the brain ran across a couple of publications this weekend. A bit in Slate regarding fMRIs ability to find evil acts in the brain pronounced: The new neuroscience represents the latest chapter in a millennia-old and still divisive cultural conflict over the problem of […]